The Images of Ashala

Archive for the ‘Klamath River Whales’ Category

Necropsy Results Are In For Mama, the Klamath River Whale

3140-2 Mama

According to results of the necropsy, an autopsy on animals, Mama, the Klamath River whale, died from a skin infection.

Here are two links to the full story, both of which used my images of Mama and her calf:

MG 0163A A Song for Mama

MG_8404 Goodbye, Mama


For copies or use of these and other images, email:

View my website: and

Many more Mama, the Klamath River whale, images can be seen on those sites.


Target Practice and a Dead Bear

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Yesterday I went upriver on the Klamath.  It was a gorgeous day with perfect weather and some trees just starting to turn.    The enjoyment was dampened when lying on the river bank was a dead bear that had been shot.  I cannot understand why anyone would shoot an animal for the fun of it and just leave it to die.   Was this beautiful animal used for target practice?  It certainly was not used for food.   The only ones eating were the maggots covering its body.  According to the fishermen I was with, the day before there was a cub near the dead bear.  Has the callousness of this act left a cub motherless?  I do not know.  A few days before that, I watched as the sea lions were shot at close range with rifles.   What has this world come to?   Have we lost all appreciation for life?   Do we have to needlessly shoot another being for the sheer fun of it?  Yes, I understand that the the sea lions get in nets.  Yes, that can be dangerous to the fishermen.  Yes, they can damage expensive nets.  The problem  is that there were no nets out at the time and they were simply killing these creatures.

Dead Bear

Mama, the Klamath River Whale, Made a Difference in Someone’s Life

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I received an email last week and was granted permission to use it in my blog, but the writer requested I not include her name as some family members do not know the gentleman’s condition presently.   When I read this particular email, it touched me profoundly and wanted to share it.   I wonder how many people Mama touched that we will never know about.  The gentleman in the email was just driving down the highway when he saw Mama.  Here is the email I received:

“My younger brother and the love of his life went out west. After being gone for eighteen days, my brother Wayne told Lisa that the one thing he would love to do was go whale watching.  They realized it would take four more days of driving to go whale watching, so they decided to head home. As they crossed the bridge over Klamath River they noticed a crowd had gathered. They got out of their car to see what was going on. Much to their amazement there was the great whale in the river. My brother had recently learned he only has a few months to live because of esophagus and stomach cancer. As Wayne watched the whale he turned to Lisa with these words, “This whale is here for me!”

Lisa told us this story with tears in her eyes last evening.   Someone ask if she found out what happened to the whale.  She said I did not want to know. I looked on line to find out for myself and came upon your photos and stories. I can tell from your photos and words you have a kind and sensitive heart and thought you would like to hear my brother’s story of the Klamath River Whale.  It is going to be so hard to watch my brother die.
God bless you!”

_MG_7913-1 Mama, The Klamath River Whale, Blowing a Heart

What Happened to Mama, The Klamath River Whale?



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Many of my readers have asked what happened after Mama passed away and what was done with her body.  One blog reader wanted to know if she was just left in the river.  No, she was not. As crazy as the morning of her death was, everything fell into place as far as all involved working together to hasten her removal from the Klamath River and bury her after a Yurok prayer.

On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 she was lying dead in the Klamath River, her home of nearly 8 weeks.  After a short while, white sheets were placed over her body.    A huge backhoe was brought in and her body was moved to the other side of the river.  A huge swath was made in the tall willows by  heavy equipment that was brought in.  This area provided  a perfect place away from throngs of people to perform a private Yurok ceremony to send her off to the afterlife and, afterwards, a necropsy.  A necropsy can be defined as a postmortem examination of an animal.  It could take months for a final report.

I am still filled with sadness whenever I look across the river at the swath that has been made and where this gentle giant was laid to rest.


Excerpt taken from Jessica Cejnar/The Times-Standard
Posted: 08/24/2011 02:40:25 AM PDT:

“The scientists who conducted the post-mortem examination didn’t see evidence of broken bones or bruises, which might have been caused by a ship strike, said Jim Oswald, communications manager of the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito. The skin was showing effects of the whale’s long sojourn in fresh water, but scientists don’t really know what the animal’s condition was in the ocean, he said.

Getting the tissue samples analyzed could take months. Once scientists receive the results, there’s still no guarantee they’ll know the cause of death, Oswald said.

Looking at the tissues under a microscope can help scientists discover if the whale had a viral or bacterial infection. Examining

the heart muscle can determine if the whale had a heart attack, according to Sarah Wilkin, stranding coordinator with the National Marine Fisheries Service.

”One thing that’s common is parasites,” she said. “They can look at the tissue and actually see signs of a recent or historic infection that may not necessarily be what caused her death.”

_MG_0909 Deceased Mama, The Klamath River Whale, August 16, 2011

MG_1193 Preparing to Remove Mama from the Klamath River

Img 1124 - Preparing to Remove Mama from the Klamath River

_MG_1232 Mama Moved for Burial

_MG_0953 Mama, The Klamath River Whale

Excerpt from my earlier blog of August 17, 2011:

“Today was a very long and sad day as this beautiful being I had come to know and love has left us.  What her message was, we may never know.  Why she was here, we may never know.  There are so many things we don’t know and are not meant to know.  But what I do know is she was truly a “gentle” giant, a loving creature who charmed and mesmerized the throngs of  people, young and old, who came to watch her from atop the bridge, from the water, from the shoreline.

Mama, the gentle Klamath River Whale, we will so miss you and we thank you for gracing our lives with your presence.”

Mama, The Klamath River Whale, Featured in National Geographic

Mama, the Klamath River Whale, is still making headlines and her memory is being kept alive.   The image of Mama and Seth, the paddle boarder hoping to lead her back to the ocean, that has made its way all around the net was featured on National Geographic’s “Pictures We Love – Best of August.”  Over 7,100 people have “liked” it as of this posting.   See link below to view it:

_MG_0163A - Paddle Boarder Serenading Mama, the Klamath River Whale

For use or purchase of this image and many other images, please visit


A Message of Love – Mama, the Klamath River Whale

A Message of Love

Poem by Leslie Hancock
(reprinted with her permission)

I heard about you and I really wanted to meet you.
As luck would have it, our paths crossed on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon in August.
I watched you swim for almost an hour and fell in love with you.
I didn’t want to leave but it was time to go on my own journey home.
Now you are gone and I am left with a beautiful memory.
Thanks for sharing yourself and spending time with us far from your home.
You will be missed and never ever forgotten.

Sierra Club today posted an article about my images and Mama, The Klamath River Whale.  See the link below.
To use or purchase  images, please go to web page at: and

A Lesson From the Gentle Giant – Stay True to Your Path

Many times in life what we do has far-reaching effects that we may never know.   Here is something written for the internet in regard to Mama, the Klamath River whale, and staying true to oneself.  It is used by permission of the author, Andee Allen, from California, written for   Here is a direct link to the article which is reproduced here on this blog:


Okay, Morning Coach people, you think you have issues meeting your goals?  Check out the saga of the Klamath River whales.  Here is this mother and baby Pacific gray whale gently swimming in the Klamath River, minding their own business, doing their own thing.  After about a month, the baby heads back to the open ocean.  The mother, content on her own journey, continues to leisurely swim around in circles in the river.

whale diversionJPGThen out of no-where come these smart, super-intelligent, caring citizens who decide that the mother should not be in the river, that what she is doing is not right and that she has to go back to the ocean right now.   So in their infinite, all-knowing wisdom, they shoot her with water, bang on pipes, pound on drums, etc. in an effort to change her course and send her back to where they think she should be.whale spraying

The gentle giant calmly ignores them and goes on about her own personal development and goals.  She does not let them divert her focus or attention.  She continues to swim in the river – up the river, under the bridge, and back down the river.  Every day, consistently.  Not once does she lash out at the people that think they know what is best for her. No angry splashing, no overturning their boats, just a gentle steady progress on her route.  In fact, mostly she ignores them.   She doesn’t try to argue with them or dissuade them from their goals of diverting her.  Instead she let’s them do what they are doing and gracefully continues on her own personal journey.

Now I don’t pretend to understand what she is doing in that river anymore than I understand what you are doing in your own personal river.  But this I do know, whatever she is doing or whatever you are doing, it’s because it is the right journey for your own personal growth and development.  It doesn’t really matter if others understand or embrace your personal goals.  What matters is that you – like the whale – understand your journey  and consistently work towards it.

Next time you have friends, family, acquaintances, or even strangers trying to divert you from your journey, think of the whale – stay the course, be consistent, be gentle and courteous, and stay focused on your own personal goal.  Let nothing distract you.

personal goal

To follow more of this beautiful whale’s journey and/or purchase images go to or

Andee is a business consultant whose passion is helping business owners strategically market and brand their companies using social media tools coupled with traditional business tactics.  Her clients range from small independent companies to large multi-national organizations.  She has an MBA but owes her success to personal coaching by JB Glossinger and  She can be reached at


This entry was posted on Friday, August 12th, 2011 at 7:32 pm and is filed under Goal SettingPersonal Development. You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

A Tribute Through Music and Poem To Mama, The Klamath River Whale. August 22, 2011

Ashala Tylor Photography

MG_7694 A Flute Song for Mama, the Klamath River

This is a beautiful tribute written by my friend, Mihael Kavanaugh (pictured), in a farewell poem he wrote for  Mama.   Mihael played the flute to Mama on two occasions while canoeing on the Klamath River, one of which I was honored to accompany him on the canoe.

Ashala Tylor Photography

_MG_9647 A Flute Song for Mama, The Klamath River Whale

Mihael Kavanaugh

Peaceful Rest

She has laid down to rest
Her journey home now complete
Her story known by many
Her message, a mystery …
A sigh of sadness
For she touched many a heart

Her dance
Was with such grace
The mist of her spout
Still refreshes my face
Such a friend …
One can’t replace
Though in story and song
She’ll echo her grace
Mama whale ~~~
Peace be with you …
As you go
From this worldly place

©2011 Mihael Kavanaugh

_MG_9483 Yurok Indian Tribe Members Drumming and Singing for Mama

Ashala Tylor Photography

_MG_9490 Yurok Indian Tribe Members Drumming and Singing to Mama






Ashala Tylor Photography

MG_8404c Stand Up Paddler Bids Farewell to Mama, The Klamath River Whale

Ashala Tylor Photography

_MG_0163A A Ukelele Song for Mama, The Klamath River Whale

Seth Altamus, a stand-up paddler, had hopes Mama would follow him out to the ocean.  She followed him to the Klamath River RV Park, a short way from the bridge, but then she turned and swam back to her spot by the bridge and continued her circles.    Here Seth is waving a bittersweet farewell to Mama when he realized she did not want to leave.   In the other image, he was serenading her with his ukelele from his paddle board.

All of the above images were what I would term a “holistic” approach in an attempt to soothe Mama or an attempt to convince her to head back to the ocean.  Music has the capability to touch all beings, but Mama had her own path to follow, a reason for which we do not know, and she seemed content to stay near the bridge and make her continual circles mesmerizing all who watched this beautiful creature.

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Many more images can be seen at and

RIP Mama, the Klamath River Whale. Day 54 in the River, 8-16-11

As many of you might know, Mama, our Klamath River Whale, passed away at 4:19 a.m. this morning.  Those with her said she went very peacefully and beautifully and were by her side in a boat when she drew her last breath.

After my post last nite requesting prayers for her as she was stranded in the sand, I was amazed when I heard her  by the bridge spouting and not in front of the Klamath River RV Park where I last saw her  stranded.   According to sources there, she was freed from the sand when the tide came up  and, with a little help, was able to swim freely again.  I made my way  to an area past the bridge about 1:30 a.m. and found her swimming in the area she liked past the bridge upriver.  She swam there for a long time.  In retrospect, it was my opportunity to say my last goodbye to her.  I then made my way back to Klamath River RV Park and found she had returned there.  After listening to her and seeing spouts, I was going to post at 3 a.m. that she was back swimming and doing fine.   Thinking it was late and I would post in the morning, I went to bed.  I was shocked this morning when I awoke to see her lifeless body in the river.

Today was a very long and sad day as this beautiful being I had come to know and love has left us.  What her message was, we may never know.  Why she was here, we may never know.  There are so many things we don’t know and are not meant to know.  But what I do know is she was truly a “gentle” giant, a loving creature who charmed and mesmerized the throngs of  people, young and old, who came to watch her from atop the bridge, from the water, from the shoreline.

Mama, the gentle Klamath River Whale, we will so miss you and we thank you for gracing our lives with your presence.


Many more images of these beautiful mammals can be seen at
For purchase or use of any photos:

Ashala Tylor Photography

MG_0843 Mama, the Klamath River Whale, at 8 pm Last Night

Ashala Tylor Photography

_MG_0909 Mama, the Klamath River Whale, This Morning

Ashala Tylor Photography

_MG_0862 Mama, the Klamath River Whale, This Morning

PRAY FOR MAMA, THE KLAMATH RIVER WHALE. Day 53 in Klamath River, 08-15-11

Please send love and light or prayers, or just plain good energy, to our beautiful whale, Mama.  Tonight she floated down the river towards the ocean and is now caught on a sand bar and low tide.  This occurred about 6:30 by my best guess.  I just got back and have lost track of time.  Please send good energy and prayers that this wonderful being will either pass on easily or somehow make it out to the ocean.  She has graced our river with nothing short of love and dignity and brought thousands of people together to share in her magnificence.

Ashala Tylor Photography

6196 - Prayer for Mama, the Klamath River Whale